From October 2022, the work of the NABCOP has been expanded on by two new national audits of primary breast cancer and metastatic breast cancer in women and men of all ages.

Find out more.

NABCOP eNewsletter – Issue 2016 (2)

The NABCOP eNewsletter #2 is now available.

The eNewsletter has been emailed to all our known contacts at NHS Trusts and Health Boards that provide breast cancer care in England and Wales. If you would like to be added to our eNewsletter mailing list, please contact us.

Data collection open for organisational audit

All NHS Trusts and Health Boards in England and Wales that provide breast cancer services should participate in the NABCOP online organisational audit. This consists of an online organisational survey of breast cancer services and an online case vignette exercise of clinical management recommendations for breast cancer in older patients.

Data collection for the online organisational survey and case vignettes is now open. Instructions were sent by email to the breast cancer lead clinician or nominated point of contact at each provider from 22nd November 2016 onwards.

Both of these online activities must be completed by Tuesday 13th December 2016.

If you have any queries about the organisational audit, please let us know.

For more information about NABCOP, including the forthcoming patient audit, please visit our FAQs for professionals and the public.

NABCOP patient information leaflet

The NABCOP patient information leaflet is now available to download as a PDF.

Piloting of organisational audit has started

Piloting of the NABCOP organisational audit began on Friday 28th October 2016. This exercise is taking place in four volunteer hospital Trusts. We expect piloting of the organisational survey and case vignettes to be completed by Friday 11th November. The main roll out of the organisational audit will take place later in November 2016, across all NHS Trusts and health boards that provide breast cancer care.

For more information, please see our NABCOP eNewsletter 2016 Issue #1.

NABCOP eNewsletter – Issue 2016 (1)

The first issue of the NABCOP eNewsletter is now available.

The eNewsletter has been emailed to all our known contacts at NHS hospital Trusts and Health Boards that provide breast cancer care. If you would like to be added to our eNewsletter mailing list, please contact us.